Why Do You Need To Consider Office Glasses?

At the beginning of the day, patients who work at a computer and wear single-vision or progressive lenses may see well. However, as the day progresses, this may change.

Eyes may begin to feel tired or dry and vision may become blurry. This can lead to more blinking. Some wearers may even experience headaches around or behind their eyes. All these symptoms are typical of eye strain, a condition that 64% of Americans in their 50s report experiencing*, and may require specific office glasses.

Zeiss Office Lenses offer clear and relaxed vision from near reading distances to the intermediate range. It’s an excellent choice for patients who spend many hours in front of screens.

There are 3 options, depending on your need: Book (3ft), Desk (7ft), and room (14ft). Full Rx customization for sphere, cylinder, axis, and prism.

Please ask us about Office Glasses on your next visit with us.

Available at Eyecare Leaders Pearland/ Fuqua

*Vision Council Eye Strain Report (2016)